I Am a Superstar Wiki

Hi! I got the idea for this a few days ago, and am finally starting it. This is only to be edited by either Chasefontenot or myself. If you edit this story, I will track you down and cut your f*cking fingers off. Thanks for the cooperation! Dashiefan101 (talk) Copyright © 2012 Chasefontenot. All rights reserved.

Part 1

I had the unexplainable happen to me. As I sit here in this very snug chair, documenting this, I wonder how this even happened...

I was on the computer. More specificly, Youtube. Even more specificly, MLP. I was re-watching a few of my favorite episodes. As I got ready to get off, I said to myself,

"I wish I could live in Equestria. I wish that I could live in Ponyville. I wish I could just disappear from this world and go to the world of my ultimite dreams. A world where ponies raise the sun and moon. A world where humans were extinct. I just want to go there so bad, but that's impossible."

I actually waited for something to happen, as if the wish would be granted. Nothing happened. As I got ready to close out of Chrome, a pop-up appeared.

"Ugh! Not a Pop-up! I thought I had a blocker on here for those." I said.

This particular pop-up was different than the rest that got past the blocker. this one was colorful, and had sparkling words, as if designed by a girl. The strangest things were the words. They said, "Your wish has been received. It will be granted shortly." I was puzzled, wondering what the heck THAT meant. I went to the mouse to turn off the computer, but I couldn't grab the mouse. I looked at my hand and saw that it was asleep. Kinda funny, considering that it was working a few seconds ago. I tried to move it, but it wouldn't move. I got up to try to stimulate it. Then the feeling started spreading up my arm.

"Ok, that's weird. I hope this stops."

But it didn't. It went down to my chest, down my gut, and to my knees. My legs buckled, and I hit the floor. I was lucky that I hadn't gone anywhere yet, because my head would've hit the floor. By some stroke of luck, it landed on my pillow.

"Oh no. I hope I'm not dying."

The feeling then went all the way down to my feet. The feeling in my chest went up to my head, covering me completely in a tingling sensation. Then my brain got taken under the strange spell. My eyes started to droop, and my vision was going fuzzy. I tried to stay awake, but it was no use. My eyes shut completely and I blacked out.

When I came to, I was falling through the sky.

Part 2

Ok, so I'm falling through the sky above cloud layer...sounds like a dream to me.

I was falling at who knows how fast. I knew better than to scream, because that would just mean wasted last minutes. As I looked at the clouds BELOW me, I noticed one thing about them: They aren't moving. Not an inch. I was in a state of shock as I stared at them. Even in my dreams, the clouds move. Then I fell THROUGH the cloud layer. When I opened my eyes, closing them before falling through clouds, I couldn't believe my eyes. In the far distance below me was Ponyville. I was in another state of shock.

Am I in Equestria? How did this happen? This HAS to be a dream.

If this was a dream, then I didn't want to wake up. If there was the unlikely chance that this was real, I was going to die. I figured I should wake up anyway, because I didn't want to feel my body smash against the ground, a building, or a pony. I pinched my arm with my eyes closed shut, hoping to wake up on the floor where I felt fuzzy. I opened my eyes. Still falling.

What? This always works in my dreams!

Then It occured to me: I wasn't dreaming. I was really falling to my death. Wait a minute, if I could somehow maneuver to the tree that was the Ponyville Library, Twilight might be able to contact Celestia. I might be saved! To my surprise, The library wasn't that far from where I was falling. I leaned forward and lifted my feet, and I was headed towards the library. I saw Twilight walk in, with Rainbow Dash right behind her.

... Rainbow Dash is going to see me crash land into Equestria?

I was falling now, in love with the cyan Pegasus that I had just seen before my eyes. And it was real! I was finally going to meet Rainbow Dash!

That was the last thing I could think of before I landed head-first in the library.

Part 3

I was standing somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. There were no landmarks what-so-ever. Then a pony appeared out of nowhere. He looked a little like me. I could see my eyes in his. He was a Pegasus. His cutie mark was...Earth? He looked at me, and said in my voice,

"Be prepared."

I woke up disoriented, not knowing where I was.

Part 4

I was lying on the ground. I was very sore, but I managed to stand up. There were two little horses staring at me. One was purple and had a horn. She had a pink highlight in her mane. The other was blue-ish, with a rainbow-colored mane and tail. This one had wings. I could tell I was falling in love with her.

"Can I help you?" I asked the strange staring horses.

"How did you survive that? That fall should've killed you!" The purple one said.

"HOLY CRAP! I didn't know that horses could talk." I said, in disbelief. The unicorn looked at me funny. I had an urge to burst out laughing, but I held the laughter in.

"We are ponies. My name is Twilight Sparkle. The other one over there is Rainbow Dash. She's a Pegasus. Who are you? What are you? Do you have a name? How did you get here?"

"One question at a time, please! I am a human. I do have a name. It's Chase Fontenot. as to how I got here, I have no idea." I said.

"We will have to let Princess Celestia know you are here." Twilight said. Did that pony ever stop talking?

"Where will I stay? I don't even know where I am, and you two are the only peop-- er, ponies that I know here." I said, worried.

"Oh! Can't forget about Spike!" Twilight said excitedly.

"Leave him be, Twilight. He probably just wants to relax. You're welome to stay at my house for a while." The blue one-- Rainbow Dash said.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Up in the clouds." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Um...I don't see how that can work. I kind of fell through some clouds on my way here." I said. Then I winced; my head had decided to throb painfully.

"Oh, that's easy! I can just cast a Cloud-walking Spell on you. Perfectly safe!" Twilight said. She closed her eyes, and her horn started to glow a bright magenta. Then I started glowing the same color, but only for a second. Her horn stopped glowing and she opened her eyes.

"Done! Now you can walk on clouds, but only for 3 days. So be careful." Twilight said.

"Wait a minute, If you live in the clouds, how am I going to get there?" I asked.

"Easy. You ride on my back while I fly!" Rainbow Dash said. I sat on her back where she indiated, as to not interfere with her wings, and she walked out of the library and took off, with me on her back.

Part 5

I couldn't describe the feelings I had while flying with Rainbow Dash. I was happy and excited because I was flying with the one I was starting to fall in love with. At the same time, I was terrified, as this was the first time I had actually gone in the air, with the possibility of falling off and dying. (still baffled at how I survived the fall Twilight said should have killed me)

"Isn't this great?" Rainbow Dash asked me.

"Honestly, I'm afraid I'm gonna fall!" I replied.

"Don't worry. If you fall, I can catch you in 2 seconds." Rainbow said.

"I'm still afraid to take the risk." I said.

"Just relax. We're almost there." I saw where she was headed. Her house was a giant cloud mansion. I wondered how much that house had been to buy. Probably pretty expensive. And we were approaching really fast. Rainbow Dash started slowing down when we got up close and landed quite gracefully.

"You can get down now." She said. I hesitated, knowing full well there was NO WAY I could stand on a cloud. I set one foot down on the poofy-looking thing, and my foot actually seemed to stay on the cloud. I lifted my other leg over Rainbow Dash and set the other foot down. I was STANDING on a CLOUD.

"C'mon. Let's get you to bed. You must have been though a lot." Rainbow Dash said.

"Ok. Do you have a spare bed?" I asked.

"No, but you're welcome to sleep with me if you need to. It gets cold in here for non-pegasi." I was starting to get chilled already.

"I would like to get some sleep now, actually. I might remember some of what happened in the morning." I said.

"Sure. I've got some stuff to do, so you can just make yourself at home." Rainbow Dash said. I went over to the bed and got in on one side, making sure that I would leave enough room for Rainbow Dash when she came to bed. The pillows were very soft, considering they were made out of clouds. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up the next morning feeling very warm.

Part 6

Why am I sweaty?  I gently got out of bed, being careful not to wake up Rainbow Dash. I felt chilly all of a sudden. I looked at myself and found out why. While I was sleeping, it seemed like I grew a few years older overnight. I grew, but my clothes didn't. My shirt was still on me, but was threatening to tear off. My pants on the other hand, were gone.  The only thing remaining on me was my boxers, and those were a little too tight. I needed to see if Rainbow Dash knew anybody in town who could make me some new clothes.  I wasn't going to wake her up, so I decided to bounce in the living room on the cloud floor. I was having fun, doing little flips in the air, and I didn't notice Rainbow Dash come into the doorway and watch me play.  She giggled and I froze, and I could feel my skin temperature rise.

"Rainbow, do you know anybody who can make me some more clothes? Mine seem to have...shrunk in a way." I asked her.

"Yeah, I think Rarity can make you some clothes, if you know what they look like." She said.

"Uh, I can't even remember what I was wearing when I arrived." I said.

"Twilight could try to use a memory spell on you, you did kinda hit your head pretty hard." She said.

"I'll do anything." I told her. She nodded and walked out the front door.

"Ya comin'?" I heard her ask.

"Yeah. Let's go get my memory back."


I knocked on the library door. Rainbow was standing next to me when the door opened. Twilight was there, and her face was as bright and cheery as ever.

"Hi Chase! Hi Rainbow! What's up?" Twilight said with a pleasant tone.

"Hey Twilight. Do you think you could use a memory spell on Chase?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure, I could try." Twilight said. She beckoned us in and I sat down on the floor. Twilight lit her horn up and started moving her head towards mine. Her horn barely touched my forehead when everything came flooding back to me. I remembered everything about myself, my past, and I remembered my interests. I blinked 3 times, getting used to suddenly having all my memories back. Twilight moved back.

"I can remember everything  now. I actually know about Equestria and who ponies are and where places are. Long story, but I'd like to get some clothes to change into. " I said.

"Okay, I guess we can say that the memory spell worked. If you like, I can teleport you to Rarity's boutique." Twilight said. Her horn started to glow. I felt weird, like I was being turned into popcorn. The world around me disappeared, and the next think I know, I'm standing behind a white pony with a curly purple mane.

"Rarity?" I asked.

The white mare jumped visibly at the sound of my voice.

"Who are you?! What are you doing in my shop?" She shouted.

"Relax Rarity, Twilight teleported me here. I need some new clothes. " I explained to her. She seemed to relax after knowing that I knew Twilight.

"Still, it's not nice to sneak up on a lady like that." She said. I rolled my eyes; classic Rarity. I let her take my measurements.

"What are you looking for?" She asked me.

"Maybe just a short-sleeved shirt and some shorts. The clothes themselves cut off here and here." I said, showing her where the cloth cuts off on my arms and legs. She understood and went into the back with her sowing machine. About 15 minutes later, she came out with some shorts and a shirt that fit my description. I put them on, thanked her, and walked back to the library. I knocked again, just to be polite. Rainbow Dash answered.

"Dang dude, you look good in those." She told me.

"Thanks Rainbow." I said.

"I'm ready to go home. I could use a shower." I told her.

"Climb on." She said to me. I got back on her and she flew up in the sky, heading for home.

Part 7

We arrived at Rainbow's house in a few minutes. I headed towards the bathroom and shut the door. The shower could wait. I wanted to try something. "Celestia, can you hear me? I want to talk to you." I said.

I wondered how long it would take you to figure out you could contact me like this. I heard her voice in my head.

"I wanted to ask you some questions. Would that be ok with you?"

Of course, but I can only answer certain questions.

I paused. "Do you know how I got here?"

Of course. It was I who brought you here, but I cannot tell you why.

Of course, I thought to myself.

I can tell there is something bothering you, Chase. Do you want to talk about it?

"Actually, there is something bothering me." I said with hesitation. "I want to be able to fly with Rainbow Dash, but I don't have wings. I also don't want to ask her to let me on her back every time I want to fly with her. I don't know what to do."

You like her, don't you?

I paused at that.

"I can't hide anything from you, can I?"

She giggled at that. Nope.

I sighed.

"Yes, I like her, and as I said before, I want to fly with her. I don't know what to do about it."

I do.

My body started to glow as soon as Celestia finished her sentence. I could feel the changes happening to my body. My hair started to lengthen and I felt a tail start to grow out of my tailbone. My hands and feet turned into hooves. I could no longer stand on two legs so I got down on all fours. I felt wings pop out of my back and I could feel my body becoming that of a stallion. my face started to change and my arms and legs turned into forearms and hind legs of a pony. When I looked in Rainbow Dash's mirror, what I saw surprised me. Celestia had outdone herself in giving me this form. I had a dark-blue coat, with a blonde mane and tail. I turned to look at my flank, and I saw a yellow lightning bolt with fire on the upper third of it. I was so excited. Rainbow Dash was in for one heck of a surprise.

"T-t-thank you Celestia." I managed to say.

Don't mention it.

I left the bathroom and went to go find Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow?" I called out.

"Yeah?" She sounded like she was up in her room.

"Come down here, I have a surprise for you, and I think you'll like it!" I told her. I heard her making her way to me.

"Ooh! What is it? Is it a-" She stopped as soon as she saw me. She looked at me funny.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" She said.

"Rainbow, It's me. Chase." I told her.

"No you aren't. Chase is in the bathroom, and he doesn't look a thing like you." She told me in response.

"Rainbow, I contacted Celestia and told her I wanted to fly with you without being on you. She gave me this form in response." I explained.

"Prove it." She said bluntly.

"Ok. You let me stay here after I crashed into Twilight's house and let me sleep in your bed. Afterwards, You took me to Twilight's house and she restored my memory. After getting clothes at Rarity's, we came here."

"Wow. You are Chase." She said.

"You certainly look like somepony I could hang out with. You look so cool as a pony." I blushed.

"Thanks, but I don't look as amazing as you." I said.

Did I really just say that to her?! I noticed a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Now that we have this all sorted out, do you think you could teach me how to fly? I never had wings before." I asked her.

"Sure, but first you need to get to the ground below my house. I don't wanna risk having you destroy something in here." She told me.

"Um... How do I get down from here? I don't know how to land either." I told her.

"Ugh...Get on my back again...I'm gonna get us both down." Before I could say anything, she put her head under me and pushed her head up, launching me into the air. She caught me on her back and starting running out the door. In my mind, I was frightened. I had never seen her do this before. She leapt out of her house and started gliding down below her house. As soon as she landed, she bucked me off of her and I landed rather hard on the ground with an "Oof!"

"Okay, now let's teach you how to fly!" She told me excitedly.

Part 8

"Ok then, what do we do first?" I asked her. She moved to my back.

"Extend your wings." She commanded me. I did, and it felt like a strange experience, but a good one. She but both of her forehooves on my back and I could feel her poking what must've been my flight muscles.

"You feel these?"


"You need to delicately use these, but with a slight amount of power to it." She explained to me. As she was getting back on all-fours, I felt her poke underneath my right wing; only once, and I could barely feel it, but I still felt it. My entire body shivered and I had to stay concentrated to stay on my hooves. This was an entirely new feeling to me. I looked back at her.

"What was THAT?" I asked her. She smiled at me slyly.

"Must've hit a touchy spot." I smirked.

"Now, let me see your first attempt at a take-off."

I nodded and flapped my wings a few times. I started to rise off the ground slowly, but surely. I looked back at her.


Unfortunately for me, I forgot to keep my wings beating at the same time. I started wobbling and going out of control because I was flapping my left wing, and then my right wing, not at all together. I did a few flips then landed face-first on the hill we were on. Rainbow came over to me, laughing.

"Very funny." I grumbled to her as I got up.

"Not bad, your first time was a lot like mine." She told me.

"Really?" I asked her excitedly.

"No..." She said. I just gave her an unamused face.

"Ready to try again?" She told me. I immediately brightened up.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"Remember to keep beating your wings AT THE SAME TIME!" She told me as I got ready for another take-off. I started beating my wings again, only a bit faster than the first time I tried. I shot into the air much faster this time.

"I think I'm ready for the next lesson." I told her. She came up into the air next to me.

"Great! Now try to follow me, and don't worry if you can't keep up. Most ponies can't." She started going straight up. I beat my wings a little harder, putting my forehooves in front of me. I started gaining ground on her. In a few seconds, I was level to where she was, and she wasn't facing me.

"Is that all you got?" I challenged her. She whisked around to face me. At first I could see the doubt in her eyes. Then I saw something spark.

"Try and keep up, if you can." She told me before she sped off.

I found maneuvering in the air to be quite easy. I put a little bit of the power I had in following Rainbow Dash. I knew she wasn't going her fastest. I came up to her faster than I thought I would, and I got an idea that would surprise her. I turned upside-down and starting flying above her.

"I expected more from you." I told her, while giving her a smug grin. She turned to look at me and I saw a bigger spark in her eyes.

"You're on!"

I grinned even bigger. That is what I was waiting for. She sped off going a lot faster than she had done before. I put in all of my power and sped off as well. I wasn't gaining ground, but I wasn't losing any either. I wasn't even sweating yet.

Eh...why not? I'm gonna see what happens if I try to push my limits.

I started beating my wings like I would if I was sprinting. I was now gaining a lot of ground on Rainbow. Knowing a way I could be a smartass, I kept going and flew in front of her, looking back at her and simply saying,

"Stop clogging the Fast Lane!" She looked at me and spluttered for a split second, then she put on a burst of speed, tackling me in mid-air over a large cloud. We started air-wrestling with each other, and not being able to stay airborne while doing this, we fell on the cloud, with me on the bottom and her on top. The surface of the cloud was springy, which means it didn't hurt when all of Dash's weight pushed me into the cloud. We wrestled for a while, but when she slipped out of the grip I was going to use to pin her to the cloud, she pinned me to the cloud holding all four of my legs to the cloud like a hog-tie by lying on them on her side. I was on my side too, so I couldn't use my wings to free myself. We faced each other, and I could see that we tired each other out. We smiled at the same time.

"That was fun." She said.

"Yeah, and it looks like you won." I told her.

"It looks like I did." She responded.

"So, what are you going to do to me now?" I asked her uncertainly.

She looked at me for a while, as if debating something in her mind. Then she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. She closed her eyes, not caring what I would do, but I returned the kiss eagerly. I closed my eyes too, enjoying the feeling of her soft lips against mine. She didn't really want to do anything major yet, and neither did I, but I think we both enjoyed the kiss. She was the one who ended it. She looked back into my eyes, and she smiled when she saw her feelings reflected in my eyes.

"I've wanted to do that for a while." She said passionately.

"I have too, to be honest." I told her.

"I wished I could've kissed you while you were still a human." She told me sadly.

I closed my eyes, wanting to be a human again desperately. My body felt warm again, and I heard Dash gasp. I could feel my fingers popping out of my hooves, and my wings shrinking into my back as I turned into a human again. I opened my eyes and watched as the pony in me went away, but much faster this time.

"Still want that human kiss? I'm right here." I said sweetly.

I closed my eyes and puckered my lips. She leapt at me and pushed her lips onto mine. I felt us both fall back and hit the cloud. We kissed for what felt like 3 minutes, then I was the one who broke the kiss. She looked a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, there will be much more of that later. but now I want to take a nap. I'm tired." I told her. She yawned, and I assumed that she was at least as tired as I was. I thought about being a pony again, and I felt the familiar warmness in my body. I wanted the change to be fast this time, and this time it was almost instantaneous.

"Let's go home and take a nap." I said to her. She just nodded and we flew to her house, which wasn't that far away, and went inside. We immediately headed for the bedroom and got in on our sides.

"Good night Dash." I told her.

"Good night Chase, and you can call me Dashie now, if you want."

I smiled and laid down. It felt somewhat peaceful in here. I closed my eyes and drifted into Dreamland.

Part 9


I woke up cuddled up next to Dash in my human form. This was normal for me.

I was happy in Ponyville. Twilight had become princess a week ago, and she was allowed to stay in town for her studies. Celestia sometimes snuck into the library to teach Twilight about her duties as Princess. She had about as much trouble flying as I had. Since she can fly now, she can visit Dash and I whenever she wants. She also had me meet the Princesses. I talked with them, and they were alright with me staying. Luna seemed to take an interest in me, what it was I had no clue. Rarity made me a bunch of different clothes, and she gave them to me in pairs of outfits that went together. She keeps pestering me about my hair (Your hair is as bad as Rainbow Dash's). Applejack was horrified when I accidentally let slip that I didn't like apples, but when I tried her apples, they had a much better flavor, and she liked me again. Fluttershy didn't talk to me at first, but when I told her I liked animals, she immediately  warmed up to me. Pinkie Pie...threw me a party. A big one. Twilight and I are getting closer in our relationship. I think she wants to join me and Dash, but I'm not sure. I'll find out soon.

I was interrupted from my mental recollection when Dash woke up.  

"Mornin' Dashie."

"Hey Chase."

Rainbow had work this morning, so I had the entire day to myself until 4:00. 

"I'm headin' out Chase. I'll be home around the usual time."

"I'll see you when you come home, Dashie."

I gave her a good-bye kiss, and she left for work. She was gone for about 5 minutes when Twilight appeared in front of me. I, of couse not expecting her, jumped back a few feet.

"Jeez, Twilight, you scared the hay out of me." I told her.

"Sorry about that Chase, but there is no time for apologies now. There will be time for that later."

I didn't have the time to ask because she enveloped me in her magic aura and teleported out of Rainbow's house, taking me with her. We appeared in a room I didn't recognize. I turned to Twilight, who's horn stopped glowing.

"Where are we and why did you bring me here?"

"Chase, calm down. We're in my private study. Not even Spike knows about this room."

I started looking around.

"Why wouldn't anybody else know about thi-" 

I stopped mid-sentence. Along the only shelf in this room were comic-like books. Books that were cover to cover with...

"Yeah, that's why. This is my private study for a reason."

I wasn't sure if this was something I was comfortable with...

"Now, as to why I brought you here. I want to talk to you."

"TALK to me? We could have done that at home!"

"I needed to be sure that nopony had a chance to overhear this."

"What could be that important?" 


"I, wait...what?"


"I'm important?"


"To what?"

Twilight took a deep breath.

"To me."

"Ok, now you have my attention."

"I want to be with you and Rainbow. I talked to Rainbow about it and she said she was ok with it. The only thing I needed was to talk to you about it."

I felt and saw a dark blue glow surround my body and sink into my skin. Twilight saw this too.

"Twilight, did you do that?"

"No I didn't. That looked like Luna's glow. I think she just gifted you with something."

"We'll find out what it is later. You wanted to know if you could join Dashie and me? Join us in what?"

"Your herd."

I forgot that they did that here...

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to ask, I've just been so busy lately and-"

I interupted her by kissing her. She kissed me back eagerly and used her magic to move me to the ground so she could kiss me easier. I broke the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?"

Twilight's horn lit up and a mattress appeared in the center of the room. I was levitated to the bed and Twilight jumped on top of me.

"Oh, I've wanted to do this for a long time!"


Twilight teleported us back to the library. We were both in a better mood.

"Do you mind if I stay here and read until Dash gets off?"

"Knock yourself out."

It was then that I started the Daring-Do series.


I was just finishing the third book when I thought it was time for me to go home. Twilight did me a favor and teleported me home. I thought I would take a nap until Dash got home. I crawled in bed and closed my eyes.

Part 10

"Hey sleepyhead, I'm home. You can get up now."

I felt lips on mine. I opened my eyes to find that Rainbow Dash had somehow put her body on top of mine while I was sleeping. I was facing the ceiling and Dash's body fit on top of my torso perfectly. I could feel her tail twitching in between my legs.

"Somebody's eager." I said with a smirk.

"Just shut up and do me."


While I was trying to catch my energy, Rainbow went and took a shower. She came out and said she ran me a bath. I thanked her and went in to go take it. I got my hair wet and washed it with some of Dash's shampoo. I let it sit for a bit. When I rinsed my hair, and ran my hand across it to push the water down, all of the water that was on my hair ran down my back. I could tell that my hair was completely dry. My mind ran back to what Twilight said.

"That looked like Luna's glow. I think she just gifted you with something."

I had to test that theory. I knew the moon had effects on the water back on Earth. I imagined the water freezing, and my nice warm bath turned into a giant ice block. I instantly knew of a way I could use this.

I shifted the ice like it was still liquid, got in the middle with my face the only thing out of the block and let the liquid ice cover me and make a flat surface over me. 

"RAINBOW DASH! I NEED YOUR HELP IN HERE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I heard Rainbow running towards the bathroom immediately as fast as she could.

"Oh my gosh, what happened? Did you get hurt?" She said as she came into view.

"Um...how did THAT happen?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure, but can you get me out of here please? Try turning on the hot water." 

She did, and I made the water fall on my face and freeze, covering me completely in ice.

"OH NO! I don't know what to do, Chase!"

I melted the ice on my face and turned it into water vapor.

"I do."

I think I scared her when I walked out of the ice like it wasn't even there.


"Calm down Dashie, I think Luna gave me the ability to control water. Sorry about scaring you earlier. I really should've known better than to scare you like that."

She looked mad at me. I flashed her an apologetic grin and the irritation seemed to vanish in her eyes.

"Just don't do it anymore."

"I'm not going to. It broke my heart when you thought you were helpless to me."

"If you wanna follow me to the bed, we can 'make up', if you catch my drift."

"I'll catch that drift and ride along with it!" I said eagerly.

We raced each other to the bed and got inside the covers.

Part 11

Coming soon!
